At the Heart of things
At the Heart of things
The Newman canonisation brought joy. This was a celebration at the heart of the Church, a recognition for British Catholics that “one of our own” was being hailed as a saint, a sense that justice was being done to a man who was often misunderstood in his lifetime. It was also a badly-needed experience of unity in a Rome known in recent years for factions and tensions.
A Walking Pilgrimage 2019
A Walking Pilgrimage 2019
Sr Carino Hodder tells the story of a 20-mile-a-day walk to England’s Nazareth
A line of thirty-five pilgrims - including three habited Dominicans - singing, praying the Rosary and carrying a processional cross as they walk might strike one as an unexpected sight amongst the country lanes of Norfolk. But in fact, the St John Paul II walking pilgrimage to Walsingham, run by the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph, is a regular occurrence - and, for we sisters who run it, an integral part of our mission of evangelisation. After all, when beginning a difficult and seemingly impossible task, the wisest thing to do is to get help from someone who has done it before; and so when it comes to evangelizing England and Wales, what better way to go about it than to ask for help from the first person to hear and pass on the Good News: Mary, the Mother of God?
Trading on the attractiveness of Christ
Trading on the attractiveness of Christ
Fr Simon Blakesley discusses a priestly problem
One aspect of the clergy abuse crisis that has not received sufficient attention is the chronic misuse of the charisms and opportunities of priestly ministry which is a facet of most clergy abuse cases. Although there is no guarantee that a priest who is ordained for service in the church will be an attractive person in the physical sense, there are many elements of how a priest’s personality is put at the service of his ministry that invariably lead to an inter-twining of his own positive human qualities and those that he enjoys when acting in persona Christi. From time to time a priest may have ‘film-star’ good looks; one priest of my acquaintance was dubbed “Father What-a-Waste” by some of the ladies of the parish. What is said here of priests must necessarily be all the more true of bishops or cardinals.
The News Tonight – Beauty Saves the World this Christmas!
The News Tonight – Beauty Saves the World this Christmas!
A poem by Sarah de Nordwall
The Mysteries of the Rosary
The Mysteries of the Rosary
We conclude our series of Rosary meditations, compiled by a Sister of St Cecilia’s Abbey on the Isle of Wight.
The Glorious Mysteries
Interview: Meet the Mayor
Meet the Mayor
Joanna Bogle talks to Councillor Nicholas Bennet about Catholics and local government
We often hear pleas for more Catholics in public life, and by that we usually mean Parliament, or perhaps the mass media. We want to see and hear some voices that reflect Christian values and seem to be genuinely concerned with the common good.
Holloway on… The Word: Certain And Sure in All His Ways
Holloway on… The Word: Certain And Sure in All His Ways
Edward Holloway
Kneeling before the Christmas Crib we ponder the Word most certain and the certainty of His Word. For: In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made. ( St. John, the Prologue).
Book Review: A challenge to the Western realist mindset
Book Review: A challenge to the Western realist mindset
Science and Religion in Wittgenstein’s Fly-bottle by Tim Labron, Bloomsbury, 138pp, £14.50
reviewed by Hugh MacKenzie
Book Review: Being told your unborn child is disabled
Being told your unborn child is disabled
Because I Am – Christian Accompaniment through the experience of a pre-birth diagnosis of a possible disability by Cristina Gangemi, Redemptorist Publications, 122pp, £12.95
reviewed by Jacqueline Stewart
Book Review: The rise and fall of a revolutionary
Book Review: The rise and fall of a revolutionary
Annibale Bugnini, Reformer of the Liturgy by Yves Chiron, Angelico Press, 200pp, £14.50
reviewed by James Tolhurst
Book Review: On pilgrimage with Newman
Book Review: On pilgrimage with Newman
Newman’s London – A Pilgrim Handbook, by Joanna Bogle, Gracewing, 84pp, £7.99
reviewed by Richard Whinder