A journey from atheism
A journey from atheism
Philip Vander Elst describes how CS Lewis enabled him to grasp some liberating truths
In my early twenties, before my conversion to Christianity in 1976, I did not believe that our world offered entirely convincing and reliable evidence for the existence and goodness of God. (1)
Philip Vander Elst read philosophy and politics at Oxford, is a freelance writer and lecturer, and his publications include C.S. Lewis: a short introduction and Libertarianism: a Christian critique.
1 See my personal testimony, From Atheism to Christianity: a personal journey, available at https://www.bethinking.org/author/philipvander-elst/page/all
2 I failed to understand the cosmological argument for God, whose truthfulness I now recognize and is explored in my paper Does science contradict religion?, available, again, at https://www.bethinking.org/author/philip-vander-elst/page/all
3 For a detailed forensic philosophical restatement and defence of C.S. Lewis’s argument, see, for instance, Victor Reppert, C. S. Lewis’s Dangerous Idea: In Defence of the Argument from Reason, (InterVarsity Press, USA, 2003).
4 J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964), Professor of Biometry at University College, London, in Possible Worlds (1928), p.220.
5 C.S. Lewis, ‘De Futilitate’ [On Futility], an address given at Magdalen College, Oxford during the Second World War, Essay Collection & Other Short Pieces, (London: HarperCollins, 2000), p.680.